Launched in January 2021, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the ‘Ocean Decade’, provides a convening framework for a wide range of stakeholders across the world to engage and collaborate outside their traditional communities to trigger nothing less than a revolution in ocean science. As an Ocean Decade Implementing Partner for Europe, EuroGOOS strongly supports this initiative and ensures that its activities support the aims of the Decade.
EuroGOOS is leading stakeholder engagement activities in European Union initiatives and projects and includes key expertise to help engage the community in the Decade and/or streamline the European contributions, with global impacts. Furthermore, EuroGOOS possess unique scientific and technical expertise and knowledge of the European landscape of marine research, oceanography, and innovation.
EuroGOOS, the European component of the IOC/UNESCO’s Global Ocean Observing System, will identify priorities, enhance cooperation, and promote the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations in Europe’s seas.
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