European Blue Schools bring the ocean into the classroom. On the journey to becoming a European Blue School, teachers and pupils will improve their understanding of the ocean and develop a sense of responsibility towards our shared planet. Creating awareness and a feeling of responsibility for our ocean (so-called Ocean Literacy) encourages students to become more active and responsible European and global citizens.
The program challenges schools to Find the Blue and explore their connections to the ocean while creating networks all across Europe. The Network of European Blue Schools is an initiative of the European Commission, supported by DG MARE and was developed by the EU4Ocean Coalition partners.
Why become a European Blue School?
Schools that take up the Find the Blue challenge shall identify an ocean-based topic that is relevant to their students, and collaborate with their pupils to create a school project. The aim is to make the ocean a relevant part of the school curriculum through project-based learning. Student ownership, collaborations with other organizations and people involved with the ocean and creating a community with the same passion will be key values of these projects. By successfully completing the Find the Blue challenge, schools will receive a European Blue School certification.
All certified European Blue Schools become part of the Network of European Blue Schools, where teachers and students:
- Become agents of change for ocean sustainability;
- Share experiences with teachers and students from other schools;
- Connect to the wider ocean literacy community.
Apply by 15 December here
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