Have you seen the new edition of the Marine Technology Society Journal dedicated to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030?
We are happy to be part of this publication with our Ocean Decade project Scientists for Ocean Literacy! Find the article by Dina Eparkhina here. The full MTS issue is available free of charge at this link.
What is Scientists for Ocean Literacy?
This Ocean Decade project is helping marine scientists become more actively involved in public engagement. Scientists for Ocean Literacy is expanding the horizon of science communication towards a multi-stakeholder dialogue. The project is building on the best practices from the European community of oceanographers and meteorologists, bringing in other science disciplines, culture, and the arts, and promoting inclusiveness, diversity, and accessibility in the public engagement activities. The project also explores how to improve the ocean literacy offer in the publicly funded oceanographic and meteorological agencies and beyond.
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